I've been editing video with Adobe Premiere Pro, but need to find some decent tutorials on how to use it properly, my exported files end up being a very small aspect ratio. Also either my internet is slow or blogger won't let me post videos correctly. Anyway, I've been playing Premiere Pro, a Nasa sequence of an asteroid and also some Nasa audio and interspersing it with a sequence of a rock that I recorded. I've attached a test video and I find that as I'm making it I'm thinking of putting in other filmed sequences and flashes. I like the idea of the asteroid being in constant motion, oblivious to any human concerns, and then flashes of points of contentious ideas coming on screen. The clicking sound comes in as the ideas flash - wanting attention, 'hey look at me'- anyway that's the idea for now. Also I had the idea of making two videos, the same imagery in both but different audio - one the nasa audio and the other is a prayer sequence that I found. The presentation would involve the two videos facing one another and opaque glass or perspex in between - the idea being that the same object or events are being viewed with different interpretations; the different view points know the other is there but cannot see the other clearly.
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