Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tutorial 3/3/15

During the tutorial I was asked what my project was about and I found I struggled to communicate this. I think this is because as I've been working on the project and testing different strategies and approaches, it has actually developed into something other than what I had suggested in the proposal. So from starting out with an idea of being objective it has actually become something that is subjective. AC advised me that I needed to really pin down what the project is actually about, so when I got home I wrote about it and I believe I have a more coherent idea of what it is and where it's going - which is actually helpful as I feel that now I know where I stand with it, it's easier for me to think ahead and plan what I'm going to film. So, at the moment,  a short video of different items, interspersed with archive video and a narrative text. Lets see where I can go with this - fun times.

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